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Going through a divorce, or separation, is one of the most stressful activities that you can possibly undertake.

family mediation

The Cost of Divorce

Sadly, divorce comes with all sorts of costs to the individual and the family. The financial costs of divorce can be very substantial. You may find that you lose access to your home, and a considerable proportion of your income may be taken up by divorce costs. Legal proceedings can be very costly and can also take up a lot of time and energy, which may even result in you taking time off work.

Along with the monetary costs of divorce, there are also the non-monetary impacts. You may find that you do not have as much contact with your children, and divorce can result in many different emotional impacts on the whole family. It is common for people who are undergoing divorce to suffer from anxiety or stress.

Mediation: the logical solution

Fortunately, there is an easy way to reduce the costs of divorce, and even eliminate them. By using MIAMS – a Mediation Information and Advisory Service – you can eliminate legal costs and substantially reduce the non-monetary costs of divorce. Mediation is a route which is currently favoured by the government and results in each party reaching an amicable solution.

By using our nationwide MIAMS service you will find that we can reduce the costs of your divorce.