The benefits of mediation
MIAMS Family Mediation has a number of benefits over other methods. Firstly, mediation is much cheaper than other legal avenues. It also allows you to maintain some kind of relationship, at least in terms of negotiation, with your partner. As mediation is a structured procedure it allows you to consider all issues. Mediators are trained to help clients to consider all possibilities and types of mutual agreement. Unlike complex and obscure legal procedures, mediation is simple and you have control over the procedure (including whether mediation should continue) at all times. There in no standard, one size fits all, outcome to mediation and it is flexible enough to allow for a variety of outcomes.
The mediation process
Initial meetings: an initial meeting involves the mediator meeting you and your ex-partner. They will assess suitability for legal aid. There will always be part of the mediation meeting that involves seeing each client on an individual basis. At this stage we can assess if mediation is suitable for you.
MIAMS: Mediation Information and Assessment Meetings (MIAMS) are now a formal requirement for anyone applying to court if it concerns children or financial matters.
Joint meetings: Following these meetings, joint appointments can commence where you and your ex-partner will be present.